Friday, October 18, 2013


I have noticed the promptings of the Holy Ghost more and more each day.  It is awesome!  I feel the need to record a few instances. 

This incident happened a week ago.  I had just served in the temple and the Bishop’s storehouse and I was driving in the middle lane traveling on the George Bush turnpike when a car quickly changed lanes from the left into my lane.  It was fairly quick and caused my heart to flutter a second for fear we might collide. Then once again he moved over to the lane on the right quite quickly.  I noticed the driver then took the immediate exit off the freeway.  I heard myself say, “boy, that man almost missed his exit”. 

I was amazed at how I responded.  I recall many times responding in not so generous ways and even verbally expressing discontent towards fellow drivers.  I knew that second that the Holy Ghost brought those calm words to me so I could think of that man and NOT myself in that moment.

Today, I was in my office and glanced out the window.  I noticed my neighbor finally removing branches from a tree in his front yard that had been trimmed well over a week ago.  He was loading them in the back of a pickup truck and obviously going to take it to the dumps.  The spirit prompted me to go out and help him.  I brushed it aside briefly.  I responded, “Lord, I hear you, but really I must leave in about 15 minutes to go volunteer at the school.  How much could I really get done in 15 minutes?”

The Lord didn’t accept my response to let me "off the hook" and neither did I because I did not feel justified enough to sit back down and continue reading my institute notes. 

I immediately went outside and started small talk with my neighbor as I picked up piles of brush and loaded them into his truck.  The truck was full exactly when my phone alarm went off reminding me of my assignment at the school.  I was truly amazed at how much we got done in 15 minutes.  He thanked me for my help and I headed to school and he headed to the transfer station to unload.

My assignment at the school was complete in less than an hour.  Upon returning home, my contractor had parked his truck in my driveway blocking me from entering my garage.  I pulled my van in front of my neighbors’ house since that was the only place to park and I viewed his front yard.  There was still a great deal of small pieces of twigs and branches which he mentioned he would just run over with his mower later.
Again, I was prompted to pick them up and dispose of them in my empty trash bin.  It took me only 10 minutes to rake them up along with all leaves into a pile and then fill my trash bin.  It felt good!

I have never served my neighbor before and all the while I worked I had feelings of glorifying my Heavenly Father.  I was acting for and in behalf of Him.  He asked and I obeyed, it was so simple.  What a great privileged and blessing that He could rely on me.