Sunday, April 14, 2013


Six weeks ago I witnessed my father take his last breath in this mortal life.  Two hours later, I witnessed his body being wrapped and covered in white linen and taken from his beautiful home in Idaho.  I'm not sure I will ever forget that day.  His loving wife and five of his children were present at his bedside during his last moments.

My oldest sister, Debra, was traveling back to Idaho and arrived four hours later.  We tried to express the details and feelings we experienced during his last few hours to her in hopes that we could comfort her since she wasn't able to be there.

My sister felt peace in not being present for his last few hours because she had very recently spend two precious weeks with him caring for him.  She had one on one time with him by his bed asking him about his pain, asking him what she could do for him and what he needed to feel comfortable in his suffering.  And in doing so, she felt his pain and she was a witness of his great sacrifice because she had sacrificed time away from her family to spend those precious moments and days with him.

Debra said to me as I was leaving Idaho after the funeral.  "We must always remember him and we must talk about him often to remember all that he did for us".

I remember saying to myself, "How can I forget him and what he did for me.  He gave me my mortal life; he was my daddy, my protector, my provider, my spiritual adviser, my hero and my friend."

Over 2000 years ago our brother, Jesus Christ, took his last mortal breath and then his body was wrapped and covered in white linen cloth.  Like my sister, our eyes were not able to witness that solemn event.  Yet, we are so blessed to have the scriptures which are a written account from those individuals that were there to witness his suffering.  They have shared with us the account of the last few days and moments of Christ's life. They share the pain and sorrow of His death.

I have read about His death and I have heard about His suffering, yet for the longest time, I didn't feel it in my heart because I didn't believe it was meant for me.

I knew that in order for His life and death to become personal and embedded in my heart I needed to spend precious time with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  It required me to sacrifice time from those things that are selfish in nature and those things that brought me short term comfort and happiness.

Jesus' suffering and death finally came alive and personal when I decided to put my life, my pain and my sorrow aside for a while to spend precious time alone getting to know Him and focusing on His life, His pain and His sorrow that He suffered for me.  I immersed myself in trying to understand what He endured physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually from Gethsemane to the cross for me.

No matter how routine our perspective is, no matter how much we have taken Jesus' sacrifice for granted, the Holy Ghost can still make Him know to us.  I testify that when we have the desire to know Him and are willing to learn of Him, He will enter our minds and our hearts with His peace, His love and His joy.  Not as the world giveth, but only as He can give.

We have been counseled and we have covenanted to always remember Him.

How can I ever forget Him?

He gave me life when I thought my life wasn't worth living.  He gave me peace when my life was consumed with fear and doubt.  He gave me hope when everything seemed hopeless.  He lifted me from the pit of despair when all I could see was darkness.  He gave me His love when I thought all love was lost.

Jesus Christ is my Savior and my Redeemer.

There is a place in my heart that only He can fill.  There is a need in my soul that only He can succor.  There is a longing that only He can sooth.  He is always there for me.

I promise you, He will do the same for you.  YOU ARE HIS!  Of this I can testify in His name, Jesus Christ, Amen.

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