A friend of mind asked me recently if I would be a
guess blogger on her marriage and relationships blog, A Thing Called Love at www.athingcalledloveblog.com.
She asked if I could write a post on “how
to strengthen your marriage when you never see your husband”.
We recently had spent some time together during her
short visit to Texas. I guess in the course of our conversation I
told her how much my husband travels because of his job. I am quite used to him being away from the
family as it has been our family life style for probably 70% of our 25 year
marriage. So apparently, since I
appeared to be nonchalant and non-complaining about that life style she assumed
that must mean our marriage relationship is strong and that I had advice on how
our marriage has been able to endure lengths of separation.
After reading her request, I just stared at my
computer screen. I think I was in shock.
I did not know how to respond.
I am a codependent! This means I have a really
difficult time telling people “no”. Because,
I am so dependent on making people happy, so they will like me, I try to do
everything people ask of me. To feel or
sense that I have disappointed someone by my failure to respond, to do, to
provide, to help, to just be, is a trigger point that brings self induced
Yet, it took me less than 6 hours to email my friend
back and graciously decline to assist her as a guest on her blog.
Well……this was my response.
“I do not feel we have a
successful marriage relationship. BUT, there is hope and we are working
on it, little by little, step by step. We are just at the bottom level
right now. The Lord has allowed our relationship to crumble. He
promised me He would rebuild it up on the sure foundation of Jesus
Christ. Our relationship was not established on the true and sure
foundation of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Sure, we were both active members
and we were sealed in the Temple, yet, our marriage was created on the wrong
I was broken and
alone. Boyd had just returned from his mission and he was a spiritual
giant to me. And I was looking for someone to heal me, to raise me up and
to love me. I was taught and I believed that if you lived your life
righteously and worthily to be married in the Temple, your marriage would be a
Happily Ever After like fairytale. I believed that was your reward for
living your life good and choosing a Temple marriage. I saw Boyd as my
ticket to my Happily Ever After story. I needed a spiritual giant and I
expected Boyd to be that healer for me. I was taught that a husband and
wife when sealed in the temple became ONE. I thought that meant my
husband would complete me and I would complete him. We together would
make each other whole. I was broken and hoped I could someday feel
complete. I believed by simply marrying a spiritual giant that somehow
that covenant made in the temple would make me complete. I expected Boyd
would be a healer, a comforter and to fill the void I felt inside.
Did I set him up for
Yes, I did!!
I set us both up to
fail. I failed to become whole and he failed to complete me.
I was expecting too much
from a mortal, imperfect human being. Who honestly came into the marriage
with his own set of baggage and expectations of me. Unmet expectations
result in resentment, anger, disappointment and frustration. When we fill
our hearts with resentment ~ there is no room for love.
I testify to you that
after much praying and studying to know the true nature of our Savior, Jesus
Christ, I found my healing in the ONLY person who can provide such
miracles. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is REAL. I have been given
a new heart. I am complete and whole because of the Savior’s sanctifying
power and influence.
So how can I sit here
and tell you, “I don’t have a successful marriage” when I have been given so
Because I still have an
ego that is codependent, selfish and controlling. I have seen glimpses of
my essence made holy by the saving Grace of Jesus Christ. Yet, I still
unconsciously feed my ego the stories I created and lived for so many
years. It’s like I have this barrier fortress holding my essence captive.
The past several years
since my “awakening”, that is what I call it, I have been on a roller coaster
of emotions. My weaknesses which include attachments to false identities
and reactive mind patterns are becoming more and more apparent. Yet, I
have come to understand that is to be expected when you awaken from your
unconscious state. I am now more alert and aware....of everything.
So it’s been a huge battle between my ego verses my essence. I’m trying
to deal with the guilt of hurting innocent bystanders of the war raging inside
of me. Unfortunately, most days my ego wins and it’s soooo
frustrating. But, I haven’t given up hope. That is a blessing.
A few years ago, I received the impression that the Lord was going
to allow the tearing down of our relationship and then He would build us up
again on the principles of the only sure foundation, Jesus Christ.
I feel that for the past four years our marriage has been going
through a slow death.
It really has been a painful death.
Most days my love bucket for my husband is empty. Yet, the
reason I continue to seek help through prayer, fasting and study clearly shows
that there is a tiny sparkle of love essence that is driving me to change and
become more filled with Christ so then my heart will be capable of giving His
pure love to my husband.
I am coming to realize that in order to love Boyd like he
deserves, I have to be filled with the pure love of Christ that will consume my
ego. Christ’s love is the only love capable of receiving spit, bruises,
ridicule and torment without breaking and losing focus of God’s will.
That is what I desire more than anything.
The old must die in order for the new to come to life.
I have come to accept this is the Lord’s plan for us.
I have put my old
marriage on the altar ready to sacrifice it knowing that God will receive it,
cleanse it, redeem it and renew it. I have to just get my ego “out of the
way”, stop trying to fix it my way and in my timing so God can do
what He does best.
wish I could give advice on how to strengthen your marriage when your husband
travels a lot, but I can’t. I have not been successful at that.
again for thinking of me.
I wonder if a simple “No”
response would have been sufficient for my friend. Why did I feel the need to go into so much
history to justify my “No, not now answer” and decline being a guest on her
Then last night at a
Relief Society meeting another friend of mine mentioned that she opened my blog
the other day hoping to read something uplifting and new, only to find that I
haven’t posted anything for over a year.
My blog apparently has
experienced its own death and burial.
Everything happens for a
reason and maybe it’s time for the resurrection of Our Willing Hearts blog.
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