Sunday, September 16, 2012

About Me?!

The blogger templates come with a premade section where I, the owner of the blog, should write a little bit about myself.  The name of that section on my side bar is deliberately titled “About Me”.  I struggle to complete that.  What should I convey about me in that small yet important section of my blog?

All I have written so far is “I am a stay at home mother of 4 children”.  Why is that all I can come up with to write “about me”?  Is it because my title as “Mother” is the most important part of my life right now?  Shouldn't it be?

I am truly blessed to be able to say “I am a stay at home mother” which means I don’t have to work out of the house.  So why couldn’t I even acknowledge my husband who provides so well for our family which enables me to be home instead of out making money? 

Maybe the lack of words in that section of the blog tells me a lot about myself.  Like perhaps, I don’t appreciate my husband and all that he does to provide for the family.  I have found myself several times when I talk to my children regarding something about their father that I will call him by his first name, Boyd, instead of referring to him as “your Dad”. Why?  Do I still hold resentment because I may not think my husband is the perfect father figure I want him to be?

Maybe I can’t seem to write anything else in the “about me” section because I’m still trying to find myself?  What does that really mean anyways?  I hear people say that about their wayward child, “He’s trying to find himself”.  Am I still a wayward child myself?

I didn’t even include the famous statement written all over billboards in Utah and Arizona, “I am a Mormon”.  I have always belonged to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Do I take that for granted also?

I admit that for most of my life I was lost in a darkness that clouded and distorted my view of myself.  Yet, I have seen and I embraced the Light that removed the dark covering over my eyes.  I have a clear picture and even better, a knowledge of who The Light is.  Jesus Christ searched for me and found me hiding in a hole of despair created by none other than myself.

I am in the process of becoming; Me.  Through the atonement of Jesus Christ, I have been given a new heart that is willing to become who Heavenly Father wants me to be.  To “become” is never really finished, is it?  It doesn’t receive a check mark at the end of the day signifying it is completed.  It is a continual process.

Maybe with time, I will be able to find more to write and include in the column titled “About Me”.


  1. Let me first congratulate you on recording this remarkable journey of yours! You will reach and touch so many other hearts because of your own "willing heart"...may we each be so in tune with the spirit that our hearts can be knit in one with the Savior. You are an amazing woman of faith, dedication and obedience. You have already taught me so much in just the 2 short years I have had the pleasure of knowing you! Thank you from top to bottom of my heart. You are a dear friend.
    Love you

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. this is SO COOL!! you ROCK!! i love love love this and am so proud of you :) one day when i figure out how i want to link your blog on mine under "blogs i like" along with christine's -- if that's ok with you. xxoo

  4. I am so excited to come on this journey with you so that we can see what it truly means to walk by faith. I miss you already. Thank you for having the courage to do this. Love you!
