Saturday, November 17, 2012

Faith Precedes the Miracle

My dear loving family how strong is your faith?

Tuesday I went to the Temple to do some of our family sealings of children to their parents and to also put dad’s name on the prayer rolls of the Temple.  I spent a great deal of time in the Celestial room just being still.  It wasn't until I was leaving the temple grounds did I receive the strong impression of why our father is suffering.

It is wonderful that we can go to the Temple and place a name on the altar asking for the faith and prayers of perfect strangers on behalf of those individuals that we place on a small white piece of paper.  However, it became very clear to me that wasn't enough.  I needed to enlist the FAITH and prayers of ALL of our family (ourselves, our spouses and each of our children) on behalf of our father/grandfather.  It became very clear at that moment why dad is suffering with cancer so soon after his last episode. 

Dad is sacrificing to help save us all.

Do you believe the Lord can heal our father or are we going to rely on mortal doctors and technology to dictate the length of time he has left on earth.  I testify to you all, that I know with perfect certainty that God can heal our father; whether He will, depends on our unified FAITH and God's sovereign plan.

So I am asking each of you again; How strong is your faith in the healing and saving power of Jesus Christ?  I’m not just asking, I’m pleading with you to ask yourself today, “Do I have a personal witness of the strength and power of Jesus Christ’s atonement to heal spiritual, emotional and physical wounds incurred during our mortal life on earth”.  

If you have only read or heard about such healings and haven’t experienced His healing power personally than how can your faith be strong enough to help heal our father/grandfather?

I spent most of my life going through the motions of what I thought was belief and faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  However, attending church and doing the best I could to keep the commandments didn’t get me very far.  It kept my hope alive for all those years.  Yet, it wasn’t until a great struggle in my life did I realize that hope wasn’t enough to save me from the despair of life experiences.  It takes FAITH!  And to develop faith in Jesus Christ’s atonement, you need to have a personal relationship with Him. 

Let HIM in your life!

I know I was afraid and scared to let Him in my life for fear of what He would find and what He would ask me to do.  I knew if I wanted a relationship with Him that it probably meant I would have to change.  Yet, I knew something had to change.  I hoped it was the individuals around me that needed to change.  But, No!  It was me! 

It has taken me three years to get to my faith set on Jesus Christ.  Our father has been given up to three years to live on this earth. 

What are you waiting for?

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