He informed us the other day that he doesn’t want to go on a
mission. He doesn’t want to attend BYU
anymore. He isn’t even sure he can be a Mormon.
He told us he could do those things before and he went through the motions because he
knows that is what we wanted to hear. He feels
he doesn’t have a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therefore, places
himself out of reach from the Savior’s hand.
I know NO ONE is out of reach from the Savior’s hand.
The bishop met once again with my son the other day. He cares greatly for my son and is trying so
diligently to rescue him. Shortly after
that visit, the bishop informed my husband that is was time he met with us, his
My thoughts turn to what I expect the Bishop is going to
tell us. We need to step up us as
parents. You need to be holding regular
Family Home Evening, family scripture reading and praying together as a family. Those are what my husband is already telling
me WE NEED to be better at in order to rescue our son.
My husband asks me what did we do wrong in raising him? What
could we have done differently?
I have spent many hours asking myself those same
questions. I should have been a better
mom. Why didn’t I do this and why didn’t
I do that? If we did all the things the
prophet told us to do as a family it would have made a difference.
The spirit has told me to stop focusing on the past and look
forward to the future.
If I continue to think about all the things I should have
done differently than I will be motivated by guilt going into the future.
Motivation by guilt can improve our actions but from my experience
it is usually short lived actions. We
strive to read scriptures as a family so we start only to stop a couple weeks
later. I get motivated after hearing a
great talk in church about a fun Family Home Evening and so I put something
similar together for my children only to find it didn’t go as well as I wanted
it to run so I give up. I invite my son
to join us for prayers as I tuck the girls into bed. Yet there is always an excuse so we go on
without him.
I want to be
motivated by the Spirit of the Holy Ghost not guilt. The
motivation and experience with personal revelation can move me to action far
greater than guilt ever could. And it
brings the greatest peace and hope for the future.
I cannot save my son. There is only One, Jesus Christ, who has the
power and influence to save him. Yet, I
can and will be an instrument in His hands as I prepare myself to follow the
promptings of the Holy Ghost on a daily basis.
We don’t have regular planned Family Home Evenings with our
children. Yet, those unplanned
spontaneous thoughts that come to me throughout the day as a teaching moment, I
am not afraid to open my mouth and share with my children. Even when my girls tell me, “Mom, why do you
have to turn everything into a churchy moment?”
I respond with, “because I am learning some of the lesson towards peace
and happiness for myself and I can’t help but want to share them with
those I love”. Even when my son feels
something as I share my testimony with him and I watch him fight it and block
it because it’s so different and unfamiliar and he is afraid if he lets it in
he’ll have to change, so he walks away.
We don’t have family scripture study. Yet, I cherish the precious moments when my
son comes home from school and it’s just him and I sitting across the table
enjoying lunch together. Some days, he
feels safe to open up and talk about his life, his struggles and his
fears. Many times I’m prompted to just
sit and listen. Other times, I feel
prepared to share an experience or even a scripture that helped me through some
of my rough days. Oh how I cherish these
moments alone with him.
We don’t have family prayers together. Yet, I know Heavenly Father has heard my
prayers pleading for Him to rescue my son.
I know God loves my son more than I do. My son was His before he became ours. I know Jesus Christ performed an individual
and personal act of salvation for my son.
I know the Savior knows what pains, doubts and fears my son is harboring
and covering up far more than I can know. I don’t want to stand in His way performing His will by selfishly trying to rescue
him my way. I can’t. We can’t.
Only He can!
My responsibility as his mother is to nurture, to love, to
accept him, and to create a safe environment for him to come home to.
inspiring as always... I love that you are having those quiet one on one times with Dallin. He will thank you someday!