Monday, October 1, 2012


I recently read over a scripture passage that I thought I was pretty familiar with.  However, this time, there was a word that really stood out to me.  This is the story of the woman caught in the very act of adultery found in John 8.

The women was taken from that sinful bed and dragged down the street to the center of town.  And as if the bedroom raid and parade of shame were inadequate, the scribes and Pharisees thrust her into the middle of a morning Bible class.

They approached Jesus interrupting his teaching exclaiming what she had done.  They commanded that He pass a judgment.  "The law of Moses says to stone her.  What do you say?"  they asked Jesus.

The woman was guilty.  She had been caught.  She didn't have anyone to defend her, to speak up for her, no one to stand up for her.  Yet, what did she have?  

She had someone who would STOOP for her.

"But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not." (Verse 6)

I would expect him to stand up, step forward, or even ascend a stair and speak.  But instead he leaned over, stooped down where the woman was cradled in fear, guilt and embarrassment.  

The accusers grew impatient with the silent, stooping Jesus. They kept demanding an answer from Jesus.  Now He stands.....stands up to her accusers.  "He lifted himself up unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." (verse 7)

Then what did Jesus do?  "And again he stooped down, and wrote in the ground" (verse 8)  He stooped down to her again as if to protect her.  If your going to look down on this woman you are going to have to look down even further at me. If your going to stone her, you'll have to stone me too.  He stooped!

As I read this, I could hear the sounds of the stones in the men's hands drop by their feet where they stood and then one by one they walk away.  Everyone left except Jesus, His disciples and the woman.  

We make mental lists of our mistakes and sins every day.  We get caught in the very act of stupidity and anger and you have these voices in your head.  “You will never amount to much, you will always fall short”.  These voices are from the devil himself.  The devil can not take your salvation.  He can not touch your eternal destiny with Jesus Christ.  But he can take your joy.  He can take your peace.  He can take your fruitfulness and your self confidence.  He does this by reminding you what a failure you are.  His goal is to awaken you each day and march you down the street.

We are surrounded by a cloud of accusations and condemnations.  Jesus stoops low enough to come to us.  That is what Grace is.

Jesus Christ stoops to each of us and then stands right in the face of the devil himself.  He will speak up on your behalf.  Your advocate right here, right now is Jesus Christ.  (Excerpts derived from the book Grace by Max Lucado)

On Saturday the reality and truth of Grace became apparent for me once again for I was caught in the very act of sin.

It was a busy rainy cold day.  It started really early as I was volunteering at a benefit yard sale.  This was an area wide yard sale where the funds received were being given to a family whose 20 month old was diagnosed with cancer.

I served unloading vehicles and setting up tables in the dark early morning and in the rain that never let up.  I was glad to be there and serving regardless of the conditions.  However, it still seemed to drain me of my energy and strength.  I returned home just in time to help my daughter get ready to cheer at her football game. 

At that same time, my oldest son calls needing me to help him find his apartment contract so he could apply for a parking pass.  Then, we realized the gift that was purchased for a gift exchange after the football game still needed to be wrapped.

Seconds later we discover the door to the attic had been left ajar in my haste of removing tables for the yard sale.  The attic is a dark place where we had been fighting diligently to combat little furry friends that take refuge there.  The very thought of those rodents invading my living space through the door left open was more than I can handle.

I lost it!  I had what I call a Moses size temper tantrum.  I didn’t strike a rock twice like him, but I did slam a door twice.  It wasn’t pretty and my family was present lining the streets for a full view of my offense. 

As we drove to the football game, I was overcome with guilt, remorse, embarrassment, and deep sorrow for my sin. 

That evening was our annual Relief Society General Broadcast.  Prior to Saturday’s outburst I was looking forward to being spiritual fed by our church leaders. 

Saturday afternoon I started listening to the accuser’s voice ring through my head.  “You messed up big time.  You will never amount to much, why do you even try?  Why should you go listen to what you should become, yet know you will always fall short.  Don’t waste your time”

Jesus stood up to those accuser voices and acted on my behalf.  I received a text from a friend asking if I would like a ride to the conference.  The very thought that someone cared enough to offer me a ride raised me from my cradled position and helped stop those depressing voices.  I enjoyed a wonderful evening at the broadcast.

His Grace didn’t stop there.  I noticed in my absence that my husband cleaned out and organized my pantry while I was gone at the meeting.

My husband was present during my act of anger.  I am certain he was wounded by the fiery darts I was throwing.  Yet, the spirit of Jesus that is in him didn’t throw stones at me.  Instead he chose to stoop low through the pantry area under the stairs to perform a loving act of grace.  Something I certainly did not deserve.

To discover Grace is to discover God’s utter devotion to you, his resolve to give you a cleansing, healing, purging love that lifts the wounded back to their feet.  This is a gift that God gives.  A grace that grants us first the power to receive love and then the power to give it.  A grace that changes us, shapes us, and leads us to a life that is eternally altered. 

The same work God did through Jesus Christ long ago on a cross is the work God does through Christ right now in you.  Let him do his work.  See yourself for what you are – God’s personal remodeling project.  Trusting less in what you do and more in what Christ did. 

Grace.  Let it in, let Him in.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! However, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are amazing, not me. They provide the words usually through other people as they are teaching me to make it my own.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
