I asked around for a couple of weeks trying to find
information about this new sister on my route.
For some reason I felt I needed to know as much as I could about her
before I could approach her and visit her.
I was afraid to just call her up not knowing a thing about her. Unfortunately, as I asked around, no one
seemed to know her. She must have been a
new move in to the area because it appeared even those that came from other
wards didn’t recognize the name.
Or she was inactive or she was a DNC (do not contact) or she
was just one of those names on our rolls that has left the area to run from the
church yet her name on the rolls didn’t follow her.
Why would I be thinking those crazy thoughts? Am I trying to find a reason to get out of
facing someone new? Am I afraid of
rejection? Well, what if she is inactive
and I knocked on her door would she slam it closed in my face? What if I tried
to call her and she didn’t answer would I feel abandoned and ignored? Or am I just afraid of having to put on my
mask of being a good visiting teacher when all I want to do is hide from the
Heavenly Father is asking me and has helped me to take off
bits and pieces of my mask and expose myself through the blog. Why isn’t that enough? Now, He has given me someone new and I am
afraid of her like she is a scary villain out to get me. How silly that sounds!
We have an amazing Visiting Teaching Supervisor who through
emails and texts continues to encourage us to reach out to those new sisters on
our route. We all have new ones. We have all been affected by these ward
changes. I find comfort in that because
I feel like I’m not the only one struggling to reach out to the unknown, unfamiliar
and potentially unsafe relationships.
After a couple attempts of leaving a message on her husband
cell phone as that was the only number I was provided and going to her house
unable to find her there I almost gave up.
Yet, there was someone other than my VT Supervisor leading me on to not
give up on her.
On Tuesday, I checked the LDS website again thinking maybe, just
maybe I could find more information about her like an email address to try. Miraculously, there was a new cell phone
listed under her name as before there was only the one listed. So I called, left another message. Immediately, I felt I left a silly message so
I decided to text her to apologize for my message.
A couple hours later, I received a text back. YIPPIE!
Contact! She wasn’t ignoring me
after all. So I contacted my companion and we set a time for a visit on
Thursday at 4pm. I was actually looking
forward to the visit until my companion cancelled on me right before 4pm.
I sat in my van all alone in front of this
new sister's townhouse. How can I go in
without my companion? I often hide behind
my companion and let her do all the talking.
Whenever I talk I make mistakes just like I did on her answering
machine. I am going to be face to face
all alone on this visit to the unknown.
I said a prayer asking Heavenly Father to give me the
courage and strength to get out of my van and go to the front door and that I
wouldn’t say anything stupid and make a fool of myself. The still small voice came and whispered “Just
Be Yourself”.
I found some comfort in that. Yet, what exactly did He mean. I am not certain exactly who I am on the
inside. I have worn so many masks
throughout my life. I live and breathe
and move on this worldly masquerade ball, longing to display the prettied
up, the good natured, the good wife, the good mom, all the exaggerated version
of myself to everyone else. Behind my
masks, I am a worried, fearful, anxious wreck of a girl.
These masks became so natural to me that I didn’t even know
they were masks. I thought they were
just part of my face. I moved through
life hiding behind the good and lived out the mess in secret. I taught people around me that I had no needs
and then I was secretly angry with them for believing me.
I believed The Lord was telling me it would be safe to take
off my mask and just be myself. He gave
me the courage to get out of the comfortable hiding place of my van and walk to
her door.
She answered the door and welcomed me in. She is a young mother in her early 20’s with
a one year old little girl. The first
words out of her mouth were, “we have a familiar friend, Kevin Hinckley told me
to tell you ‘hi’ for him.” Wow! There was an instant connection that made it
safe to remove my mask.
Let me explain why, Kevin Hinckley is my therapist and now I
find out that this woman also sees Kevin Hinckley professionally. She was not afraid to take off her mask to open
up and explain why she goes to him. “I
have separation anxiety, nervous breakdowns and other anxiety issues that he is
helping me through”.
Really? Wow!
So do I! I told her how impressed
I was that she was seeking help at such a young age. I admitted that I was 40 years old before I
humbled myself and realized I needed to change and that I couldn’t do it on my
I can’t explain how vulnerable I felt yet so very FREE to be
myself with Rachal. The rest of the
time together was so open and honest.
There was never that dull uncomfortable moment of silence. It was like our hearts connected and bonded
together which created strength and power and unity.
I should have been embarrassed about the weaknesses and the
truth I exposed about myself. Yet, I
walked away from her house after our visit feeling like I could fly. The visit with Rachal was fun, it was bold,
it was unfiltered, it was unmasked and it was safe.
The Lord made it safe to walk out from under my mask. We do have a God who sees and cares and
notices. Behind the mask, I am just a
girl who longs to believe that Jesus can and will make a difference. Most of my life I had difficulty collecting
the evidence of Him. But now I am in
desperate need of a source outside of my own ability, my own strengths and my
own will.
Chances are you can relate to the hiding and the
masking. You may be hiding from
something, hiding behind something, or simply hiding something. The concept of hiding isn’t new. It started way back in the beginning, with an
apple, a snake, a lie, and a fig leaf.
The hiding has kept me silent in relationships when I could have spoken
out. It has kept me paralyzed with fear
and anxiety when I could have danced in freedom. And this prison of self-protection has kept
me from receiving the boundless, unfathomable, gracious love of God.
Love this....just another reminder that the Lord really does know each of you and that you were by no way accidently called to be her visiting teacher. Sounds like that my dear was a truly inspired assignment that will benefit you both!